
Below is a gallery of tutorials for writing various basic operations with Triton. It is recommended that you read through the tutorials in order, starting with the simplest one.

To install the dependencies for the tutorials:

cd triton
pip install -e './python[tutorials]'

Vector Addition

Vector Addition

Fused Softmax

Fused Softmax

Matrix Multiplication

Matrix Multiplication

Low-Memory Dropout

Low-Memory Dropout

Layer Normalization

Layer Normalization

Fused Attention

Fused Attention

Libdevice (tl.extra.libdevice) function

Libdevice (`tl.extra.libdevice`) function

Group GEMM

Group GEMM

Persistent Matmul

Persistent Matmul

Block Scaled Matrix Multiplication

Block Scaled Matrix Multiplication

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery