
triton.language.inline_asm_elementwise(asm: str, constraints: str, args: Sequence, dtype: dtype | Sequence[dtype], is_pure: bool, pack: int)

Execute inline assembly over a tensor. Essentially, this is map where the function is inline assembly.

The input tensors args are implicitly broadcasted to the same shape.

dtype can be a tuple of types, in which case the output is a tuple of tensors.

Each invocation of the inline asm processes pack elements at a time. Exactly which set of inputs a block receives is unspecified. Input elements of size less than 4 bytes are packed into 4-byte registers.

This op does not support empty dtype – the inline asm must return at least one tensor, even if you don’t need it. You can work around this by returning a dummy tensor of arbitrary type; it shouldn’t cost you anything if you don’t use it.

Example using PTX assembly:

def kernel(A, B, C, D, BLOCK: tl.constexpr):
    a = tl.load(A + tl.arange(0, BLOCK)) # uint8 tensor
    b = tl.load(B + tl.arange(0, BLOCK)) # float32 tensor

    # For each (a,b) in zip(a,b), perform the following:
    # - Let ai be `a` converted to int32.
    # - Let af be `a` converted to float.
    # - Let m be the max of ai and b.
    # - Return ai and mi.
    # Do the above 4 elements at a time.
    (c, d) = tl.inline_asm_elementwise(
            // Unpack `a` into `ai`.
            .reg .b8 tmp<4>;
            mov.b32 {tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3}, $8;
            cvt.u32.u8 $0, tmp0;
            cvt.u32.u8 $1, tmp1;
            cvt.u32.u8 $2, tmp2;
            cvt.u32.u8 $3, tmp3;
        // Convert `ai` to float.
        cvt.rn.f32.s32 $4, $0;
        cvt.rn.f32.s32 $5, $1;
        cvt.rn.f32.s32 $6, $2;
        cvt.rn.f32.s32 $7, $3;
        // Take max of `ai` and `b`.
        max.f32 $4, $4, $9;
        max.f32 $5, $5, $10;
        max.f32 $6, $6, $11;
        max.f32 $7, $7, $12;
            # 8 output registers, namely
            #   $0=ai0, $1=ai1, $2=ai2, $3=ai3,
            #   $4=m0,  $5=m1,  $6=m2,  $7=m3.
            # 5 input registers, namely
            #   $8=ai,
            #   $9=b0, $10=b1, $11=b2, $12=b3.
            # The four elements from `a` are all packed into one register.
        args=[a, b],
        dtype=(tl.int32, tl.float32),
    ) + tl.arange(0, BLOCK), c) + tl.arange(0, BLOCK), d)
  • asm – assembly to run. Must match target’s assembly format.

  • constraints – asm constraints in LLVM format

  • args – the input tensors, whose values are passed to the asm block

  • dtype – the element type(s) of the returned tensor(s)

  • is_pure – if true, the compiler assumes the asm block has no side-effects

  • pack – the number of elements to be processed by one instance of inline assembly

  • _builder – the builder


one tensor or a tuple of tensors of the given dtypes