
class triton.testing.Benchmark(self, x_names: List[str], x_vals: List[Any], line_arg: str, line_vals: List[Any], line_names: List[str], plot_name: str, args: Dict[str, Any], xlabel: str = '', ylabel: str = '', x_log: bool = False, y_log: bool = False, styles=None)

This class is used by the perf_report function to generate line plots with a concise API.

__init__(self, x_names: List[str], x_vals: List[Any], line_arg: str, line_vals: List[Any], line_names: List[str], plot_name: str, args: Dict[str, Any], xlabel: str = '', ylabel: str = '', x_log: bool = False, y_log: bool = False, styles=None)

Constructor. x_vals can be a list of scalars or a list of tuples/lists. If x_vals is a list of scalars and there are multiple x_names, all arguments will have the same value. If x_vals is a list of tuples/lists, each element should have the same length as x_names.

  • x_names (List[str]) – Name of the arguments that should appear on the x axis of the plot.

  • x_vals (List[Any]) – List of values to use for the arguments in x_names.

  • line_arg (str) – Argument name for which different values correspond to different lines in the plot.

  • line_vals (List[Any]) – List of values to use for the arguments in line_arg.

  • line_names (List[str]) – Label names for the different lines.

  • plot_name (str) – Name of the plot.

  • args (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to remain fixed throughout the benchmark.

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Label for the x axis of the plot.

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Label for the y axis of the plot.

  • x_log (bool, optional) – Whether the x axis should be log scale.

  • y_log (bool, optional) – Whether the y axis should be log scale.

  • styles (list[tuple[str, str]]) – A list of tuples, where each tuple contains two elements: a color and a linestyle.


__init__(self, x_names, x_vals, line_arg, ...)
