- triton.language.load(pointer, mask=None, other=None, boundary_check=(), padding_option='', cache_modifier='', eviction_policy='', volatile=False)¶
Return a tensor of data whose values are loaded from memory at location defined by pointer:
If pointer is a single element pointer, a scalar is be loaded. In this case:
mask and other must also be scalars,
other is implicitly typecast to pointer.dtype.element_ty, and
boundary_check and padding_option must be empty.
If pointer is an N-dimensional tensor of pointers, an N-dimensional tensor is loaded. In this case:
mask and other are implicitly broadcast to pointer.shape,
other is implicitly typecast to pointer.dtype.element_ty, and
boundary_check and padding_option must be empty.
If pointer is a block pointer defined by make_block_ptr, a tensor is loaded. In this case:
mask and other must be None, and
boundary_check and padding_option can be specified to control the behavior of out-of-bound access.
- Parameters:
pointer (triton.PointerType, or block of dtype=triton.PointerType) – Pointer to the data to be loaded
mask (Block of triton.int1, optional) – if mask[idx] is false, do not load the data at address pointer[idx] (must be None with block pointers)
other (Block, optional) – if mask[idx] is false, return other[idx]
boundary_check (tuple of ints, optional) – tuple of integers, indicating the dimensions which should do the boundary check
padding_option – should be one of {“”, “zero”, “nan”}, the padding value to use while out of bounds. “” means an undefined value.
cache_modifier (str, optional, should be one of {“”, “ca”, “cg”}, where “ca” stands for cache at all levels and “cg” stands for cache at global level (cache in L2 and below, not L1), see cache operator for more details.) – changes cache option in NVIDIA PTX
eviction_policy (str, optional) – changes eviction policy in NVIDIA PTX
volatile (bool, optional) – changes volatile option in NVIDIA PTX