Go to the end to download the full example code.
Block Scaled Matrix Multiplication¶
This tutorial demonstrates a Triton implementation of block scaled matrix multiplication which is generic over FP4 and FP8 formats. The formats supported in the tutorial are the OCP microscaling formats, including mxfp4 and mxfp8, as well as NVIDIA’s nvfp4 format. These matrix multiplications are accelerated by fifth generation tensor core instructions on CUDA devices with compute capability 10.
Users can run the tutorial with each of the supported formats by passing the –format argument and can benchmark the performance of each by specifying matrix dimensions and iteration steps.
# FP4
python --format nvfp4
python --format mxfp4 --K_range 512 8192 --bench
# FP8
python --format mxfp8 --K_range 8192 16384 --K_step 2048 --bench
Future updates to this tutorial which support mixed precision block scaled matmul are planned.
CUDA devices that support PTX 8.7 and later can utlize block scaled matrix multiply instructions. In order for low latency access to these scale factors in the fast inner loop over tensor core MMAs, it is important to ensure that the blocked scale factors are stored in a contiguous memory layout according to their access pattern.
The block scaled matmul tensor core instructions compute the following product:
C = (A * scale_a) @ (B * scale_b)
where scale_a and scale_b are the blocked scale factors for the A and B matrices. Under block scaled matmul, each scale factor is broadcast and multiplied across a vector of elements from the A and B matrices, usually along their respective K axes. The number of elements of A and B over which each scale factor is broadcast is herein refered to as the vector size (VEC_SIZE).
In a linear row-major layout, the scale factors would take the shape
(M, K // VEC_SIZE) and (N, K // VEC_SIZE) [1]
in global memory. However, to avoid non-contiguous memory access, it is beneficial to instead store the scale factors in a packed block layout. For the LHS matrix this layout is given by
(M // 32 // 4, K // VEC_SIZE // 4, 32, 4, 4) [2].
In this way, each tensor core MMA in the fast inner loop over K blocks can achieve contiguous access of a block of 128 rows of scale factors along the M axis, for each BLOCK_M x BLOCK_K subtile of the matrix A.
In order to conform with Triton’s language semantics for dot_scaled, the scale factors are prepared in the above 5D layout [2], but are then logically transposed and reshaped into the 2D layout [1] expected by tl.dot_scaled.
- For more detailed information on the scale factor layout, see
import argparse
import torch
import triton
import triton.language as tl
import triton.profiler as proton
from import TmaDescKernelParam
from import MXFP4Tensor, MXScaleTensor
def is_cuda():
return == "cuda"
def supports_block_scaling():
return is_cuda() and torch.cuda.get_device_capability()[0] == 10
def _matmul_launch_metadata(grid, kernel, args):
ret = {}
M, N, K = args["M"], args["N"], args["K"]
kernel_name =
if "ELEM_PER_BYTE" and "VEC_SIZE" in args:
if args["ELEM_PER_BYTE"] == 1:
kernel_name += "_mxfp8"
elif args["ELEM_PER_BYTE"] == 2:
if args["VEC_SIZE"] == 16:
kernel_name += "_nvfp4"
elif args["VEC_SIZE"] == 32:
kernel_name += "_mxfp4"
ret["name"] = f"{kernel_name} [M={M}, N={N}, K={K}]"
ret["flops"] = 2. * M * N * K
return ret
def block_scaled_matmul_kernel( #
a_desc, a_scale, #
b_desc, b_scale, #
c_desc, #
M: tl.constexpr, N: tl.constexpr, K: tl.constexpr, #
stride_sk: tl.constexpr, stride_sb: tl.constexpr, stride_sc: tl.constexpr, stride_sd: tl.constexpr,
output_type: tl.constexpr, #
ELEM_PER_BYTE: tl.constexpr, #
VEC_SIZE: tl.constexpr, #
BLOCK_M: tl.constexpr, #
BLOCK_N: tl.constexpr, #
BLOCK_K: tl.constexpr, #
NUM_STAGES: tl.constexpr, #
USE_2D_SCALE_LOAD: tl.constexpr): #
if ELEM_PER_BYTE == 1:
dtype = tl.float8e4nv
elif ELEM_PER_BYTE == 2:
dtype = tl.dtype("uint8")
if output_type == 0:
output_dtype = tl.float32
elif output_type == 1:
output_dtype = tl.float16
elif output_type == 2:
output_dtype = tl.float8e4nv
tl.inline_asm_elementwise("prefetch.tensormap [$1]; // dummy $0", "=r,l", [a_desc], dtype=tl.int32, is_pure=False,
tl.inline_asm_elementwise("prefetch.tensormap [$1]; // dummy $0", "=r,l", [b_desc], dtype=tl.int32, is_pure=False,
tl.inline_asm_elementwise("prefetch.tensormap [$1]; // dummy $0", "=r,l", [c_desc], dtype=tl.int32, is_pure=False,
pid = tl.program_id(axis=0)
num_pid_m = tl.cdiv(M, BLOCK_M)
pid_m = pid % num_pid_m
pid_n = pid // num_pid_m
offs_am = pid_m * BLOCK_M
offs_bn = pid_n * BLOCK_N
offs_k = 0
## block scale offsets
offs_sm = (pid_m * (BLOCK_M // 128) + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_M // 128)) % M
offs_sn = (pid_n * (BLOCK_N // 128) + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_N // 128)) % N
# For now it is recommended to use 2D scale loads for better performance.
# In the future we will bring additional optimizations to either allow 5D loads,
# the use of TMAs for scale factors, or both.
offs_inner = tl.arange(0, (BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4) * 32 * 4 * 4)
a_scale_ptr = a_scale + offs_sm[:, None] * stride_sk + offs_inner[None, :]
b_scale_ptr = b_scale + offs_sn[:, None] * stride_sk + offs_inner[None, :]
offs_sk = tl.arange(0, (BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4))
# MN spatial offsets for 32 element blocking
offs_sc = tl.arange(0, 32)
# offsets for both scale factor column ID (along K)
# and spatial block column ID (along MN)
offs_sd = tl.arange(0, 4)
a_scale_ptr = a_scale + (offs_sm[:, None, None, None, None] * stride_sk + offs_sk[None, :, None, None, None] *
stride_sb + offs_sc[None, None, :, None, None] * stride_sc +
offs_sd[None, None, None, :, None] * stride_sd + offs_sd[None, None, None, None, :])
b_scale_ptr = b_scale + (offs_sn[:, None, None, None, None] * stride_sk + offs_sk[None, :, None, None, None] *
stride_sb + offs_sc[None, None, :, None, None] * stride_sc +
offs_sd[None, None, None, :, None] * stride_sd + offs_sd[None, None, None, None, :])
accumulator = tl.zeros((BLOCK_M, BLOCK_N), dtype=tl.float32)
for k in tl.range(0, tl.cdiv(K, BLOCK_K), num_stages=NUM_STAGES):
a = tl._experimental_descriptor_load(a_desc, [offs_am, offs_k], [BLOCK_M, BLOCK_K // ELEM_PER_BYTE], dtype)
b = tl._experimental_descriptor_load(b_desc, [offs_bn, offs_k], [BLOCK_N, BLOCK_K // ELEM_PER_BYTE], dtype)
scale_a = tl.load(a_scale_ptr)
scale_b = tl.load(b_scale_ptr)
scale_a = scale_a.reshape(BLOCK_M // 128, BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4, 32, 4, 4)
scale_b = scale_b.reshape(BLOCK_N // 128, BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4, 32, 4, 4)
scale_a = scale_a.trans(0, 3, 2, 1, 4).reshape(BLOCK_M, BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE)
scale_b = scale_b.trans(0, 3, 2, 1, 4).reshape(BLOCK_N, BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE)
if ELEM_PER_BYTE == 2:
accumulator = tl.dot_scaled(a, scale_a, "e2m1", b.T, scale_b, "e2m1", accumulator)
accumulator = tl.dot_scaled(a, scale_a, "e4m3", b.T, scale_b, "e4m3", accumulator)
offs_k += BLOCK_K // ELEM_PER_BYTE
a_scale_ptr += (BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4) * stride_sb
b_scale_ptr += (BLOCK_K // VEC_SIZE // 4) * stride_sb
tl._experimental_descriptor_store(c_desc,, [offs_am, offs_bn])
def block_scaled_matmul(a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, dtype_dst, M, N, K, configs):
output = torch.empty((M, N), dtype=dtype_dst, device="cuda")
if dtype_dst == torch.float32:
dtype_dst = 0
elif dtype_dst == torch.float16:
dtype_dst = 1
elif dtype_dst == torch.float8_e4m3fn:
dtype_dst = 2
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dtype: {dtype_dst}")
c_desc = TmaDescKernelParam(output.data_ptr(), output.shape, [configs["BLOCK_SIZE_M"], configs["BLOCK_SIZE_N"]],
grid = (triton.cdiv(M, configs["BLOCK_SIZE_M"]) * triton.cdiv(N, configs["BLOCK_SIZE_N"]), 1)
block_scaled_matmul_kernel[grid](a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, c_desc, M, N, K, a_scale.stride(0),
a_scale.stride(1), a_scale.stride(2), a_scale.stride(3), dtype_dst,
configs["ELEM_PER_BYTE"], configs["VEC_SIZE"], configs["BLOCK_SIZE_M"],
configs["BLOCK_SIZE_N"], configs["BLOCK_SIZE_K"], configs["num_stages"],
return output
def initialize_block_scaled(M, N, K, block_scale_type="nvfp4", compute_reference=False):
BLOCK_M = 128
BLOCK_N = 256
BLOCK_K = 256 if "fp4" in block_scale_type else 128
VEC_SIZE = 16 if block_scale_type == "nvfp4" else 32
assert block_scale_type in ["nvfp4", "mxfp4", "mxfp8"], f"Invalid block scale type: {block_scale_type}"
ELEM_PER_BYTE = 2 if "fp4" in block_scale_type else 1
device = "cuda"
a_ref = MXFP4Tensor(size=(M, K), device=device).random()
# Similar to Hopper's wgmma symmetric fp8 instruction, the RHS is expected
# to be in col-major layout for Blackwell's when using fp4 operands.
# To conform to the expected semantics of tl.dot_scaled, (M, K) x (K, N),
# the data is generated in col-major layout, packed along K for fp4, and then
# logically transposed. Note that if one operand is of fp8 precision, unlike Hopper,
# Blackwell supports both row-major and col-major layouts for the RHS matrix.
b_ref = MXFP4Tensor(size=(N, K), device=device).random()
if block_scale_type == "mxfp8":
a_ref =
b_ref =
a =
b =
# Pack two fp4 elements per byte along K
a = a_ref.to_packed_tensor(dim=1)
b = b_ref.to_packed_tensor(dim=1)
b_ref =
a_desc = TmaDescKernelParam(a.data_ptr(), a.shape, [BLOCK_M, BLOCK_K // ELEM_PER_BYTE], 1)
b_desc = TmaDescKernelParam(b.data_ptr(), b.shape, [BLOCK_N, BLOCK_K // ELEM_PER_BYTE], 1)
epsilon = 1e-8
a_scale = torch.rand((M // 128, K // VEC_SIZE // 4, 32, 4, 4), device=device) + epsilon
b_scale = torch.rand((N // 128, K // VEC_SIZE // 4, 32, 4, 4), device=device) + epsilon
if block_scale_type == "nvfp4":
a_scale =
b_scale =
a_scale_ref = a_scale
b_scale_ref = b_scale
elif block_scale_type in ["mxfp4", "mxfp8"]:
a_scale_ref = MXScaleTensor(a_scale)
b_scale_ref = MXScaleTensor(b_scale)
a_scale =
b_scale =
reference = None
if compute_reference:
a_scale_ref =
b_scale_ref =
def unpack_scale(packed):
num_chunk_m, num_chunk_k, _, _, _ = packed.shape
return packed.permute(0, 3, 2, 1, 4).reshape(num_chunk_m * 128, num_chunk_k * 4).contiguous()
a_scale_ref = unpack_scale(a_scale_ref).repeat_interleave(VEC_SIZE, dim=1)[:M, :K]
b_scale_ref = unpack_scale(b_scale_ref).repeat_interleave(VEC_SIZE, dim=1).T.contiguous()[:K, :N]
reference = torch.matmul( * a_scale_ref, b_ref * b_scale_ref)
configs = {
"num_stages": 4,
return a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, configs, reference
def validate_block_scaled(M, N, K, block_scale_type="nvfp4"):
a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, configs, reference = initialize_block_scaled(M, N, K, block_scale_type,
output = block_scaled_matmul(a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, torch.float16, M, N, K, configs)
torch.testing.assert_close(reference,, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
print(f"✅ (pass {block_scale_type})")
def bench_block_scaled(K, block_scale_type="nvfp4", reps=10):
assert K % 128 == 0
M = 8192
N = 8192
print(f"Problem Shape = {M}x{N}x{K}")
a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, configs, _ = initialize_block_scaled(M, N, K, block_scale_type,
_ = block_scaled_matmul(a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, torch.float16, M, N, K, configs)
for _ in range(reps):
_ = block_scaled_matmul(a_desc, a_scale, b_desc, b_scale, torch.float16, M, N, K, configs)
print("Done benchmarking")
def show_profile(profile_name):
import triton.profiler.viewer as proton_viewer
metric_names = ["time/ms"]
metric_names = ["tflop/s"] + metric_names
file_name = f"{profile_name}.hatchet"
tree, metrics = proton_viewer.parse(metric_names, file_name)
proton_viewer.print_tree(tree, metrics)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--K_range", type=int, nargs=2)
parser.add_argument("--K_step", type=int, default=512)
parser.add_argument("--bench", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--format", type=str, choices=["mxfp4", "nvfp4", "mxfp8"], default="nvfp4")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not supports_block_scaling():
print("⛔ This example requires GPU support for block scaled matmul")
validate_block_scaled(8192, 8192, 8192, block_scale_type=args.format)
if args.bench:
proton.start("block_scaled_matmul", hook="triton")
for K in range(args.K_range[0], args.K_range[1] + 1, args.K_step):
bench_block_scaled(K, reps=10000, block_scale_type=args.format)
⛔ This example requires GPU support for block scaled matmul
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.020 seconds)